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Development of an innovative cooling system at the countershaft assembly station


L.E. Espino-De la Rosa1

, H. Arcos-Gutiérrez2

, J.E. García Herrera2

, I.E. Garduño2

J.A. Betancourt-Cantera3

1Posgrado CIATEQ A.C., Eje 126 No. 225, Industrial Park, San Luis Potosi 78395, Mexico
2CONAHCYT‐CIATEQ A.C, Eje 126 No. 225, Industrial Park, San Luis Potosi 78395, Mexico
3CONAHCYT‐InnovaBienestar from Mexico, Science and Technology #790, Saltillo 25290, Coah., Mexico

Received: 14 August 2024
Revised: 24 October 2024
Accepted: 1 November 2024
Published: 16 December 2024


In automotive component manufacturing, temperature gradients are typical at workstations, especially in summer, affecting production processes. Interruptions in production lines are unacceptable, as constant flow is crucial to avoid financial losses. This issue is evident at the assembly station for the countershaft of truck transmissions, which can reach 181.7°C after welding. During summer, downtimes increase due to inadequate cooling process, as indicated by 235 minutes of downtime in May, coinciding with rising temperatures and increased demand in September, highlighting the need for an effective cooling system. This research proposes a novel design to homogenize cooling times for the countershaft. The cooling cabin was designed to fit the shaft dimensions, with air inlets strategically positioned based on assembly geometry, focusing on the hottest area. Numerical simulations using the finite element method integrated a turbulence model to analyze airflow at the cabin’s inlet and outlet. The goal was to reduce the shaft temperature from 181.7°C to an ambient range of 28°C to 34°C, minimizing cooling time and reducing downtime. Results showed a successful reduction, achieving 26.9°C.


Design and Simulation, Ansys Software, Cooling system, Countershaft, CFD simulation


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© 2024 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

L.E. Espino-De la Rosa, H. Arcos-Gutiérrez, J.E. García Herrera, I.E. Garduño, J.A. Betancourt-Cantera, Development of an Innovative Cooling System at the Countershaft Assembly Station. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(4), 2024: 195-202.

More Citation Formats

Espino-De la Rosa, L.E., Arcos-Gutiérrez, H., García Herrera, J.E., Garduño, I.E., & Betancourt-Cantera, J.A. (2024). Development of an Innovative Cooling System at the Countershaft Assembly Station. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(4), 195-202.

Espino-De la Rosa, L.E., et al. “Development of an Innovative Cooling System at the Countershaft Assembly Station.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 4, 2024, pp. 195-202.

Espino-De la Rosa, L.E., H. Arcos-Gutiérrez, J.E. García Herrera, I.E. Garduño, and J.A. Betancourt-Cantera. 2024. “Development of an Innovative Cooling System at the Countershaft Assembly Station.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (4):195-202.

Espino-De la Rosa, L.E., Arcos-Gutiérrez, H., García Herrera, J.E., Garduño, I.E. and Betancourt-Cantera, J.A. (2024). Development of an Innovative Cooling System at the Countershaft Assembly Station. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(4), pp. 195-202.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.4.2.

Using lean manufacturing to improve process efficiency in a fabrication company


Andra Maria Popa1
, Kapil Gupta1
1University of Johannesburg, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology, Johannesburg, South Africa

Received: 29 June 2024
Revised: 20 September 2024
Accepted: 26 September 2024
Published: 30 September 2024


This article presents a case study on improving process efficiency in a mining equipment part fabrication company. The company was facing issues concerning communication, organisation, and workflow processes. This study investigated that ineffective communication among departments was the major weakness which was responsible for the long lead or idle time. This lead time was a waste that affected the company’s productivity. A great amount of time was spent on non-value-added processes. The Kanban Centralised Communication System was implemented. Time study and value stream mapping were also used. A significant improvement in process efficiency from 34% to 85% was achieved by reducing lead time from 4200 minutes to 1680 minutes after streamlining the communication in the company using Kanban.


Lean manufacturing, Kanban, Optimization, Process efficiency, Production lead time, Value stream mapping


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© 2024 by the author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

V.H. Quan, Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 2024: 105-115.

More Citation Formats

Quan, V.H. (2024). Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 105-115.

Quan, Vu Hai, “Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 2024, 105-115.

Quan, Vu Hai, 2024. “Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (2):105-115.

Quan, V.H. (2024). Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), pp. 105-115.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.2.5.