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Synthesis of a356 alloy-variable particle sized boron carbide composites: investigations on mechanical behaviour and tensile fractography


Zeeshan Ali1

Madeva Nagaral2

Vadivel Muthuraman3

V. Auradi4

V. Bharath5
Sandeep Kumar6
, Rahul Kumar7
, Ali Majdi8
, Abduljabar H. Ali9
, Sameer Algburi10

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur, Karnataka, 584103, India
2Aircraft Research and Design Centre, HAL, Bangalore, 560037, Karnataka, India
3Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai, India
4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur-572103, Karnataka, India
5Department of Mechanical Engineering, RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560098, Karnataka, India
6Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur- 303012, Rajasthan, India
7Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh Engineering College, Mohali-140307, Punjab, India
8Department of Buildings and Construction Techniques Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Mustaqbal University,
51001 Hillah, Babylon, Iraq
9Al-Bayan University, Baghdad, Iraq
10Al-Kitab University, Kirkuk 36015, Iraq

Received: 26 April 2024
Revised: 7 August 2024
Accepted: 28 August 2024
Published: 30 September 2024


Lightweight metal matrix composites made of aluminium are now essential in several fields, including aerospace and automotive. An important factor determining the quality and properties of the composite material is the ease or difficulty of evenly dispersing the reinforcement throughout the matrix. The goal of this research is to find out the impact of 40 and 90 µm varying- sized boron carbide (B4C) particles in A356 alloy composites. Using the liquid stir casting technique and K2TiF6 as the wetting flux, A356 alloy with 9 wt.% of B4C composites were prepared. SEM and EDS images were used to study the material’s microstructure. ASTM-approved methods were used to measure the material’s mechanical properties. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) confirmed that B4C particles were evenly distributed throughout the A356 alloy. The addition of B4C reinforcement to the A356 alloy matrix increased the hardness, ultimate, yield, compression, and impact strength of composites with a reinforcement size of 40 μm. The hardness of A356 alloy was enhanced by 40.7% and 34.6%, respectively, when 9 wt. % of 40 and 90 μm B4C were added. Similarly, there was a 34% increase in ultimate strength and a 31% improvement in yield strength. Both cases showed a little decrease in the ductility of the composites. Scanning electron micrographs were used to examine the morphologies of tensile fractured surfaces.


A356 alloy, B4C particles, Microstructure, Tensile Properties, Hardness, Impact Strength


[1] H.S. Chen, W.X. Wang, Y.L. Li, P. Zhang, H.H. Nie, Q.C. Wu, The design, microstructure and tensile properties of B4C particulate reinforced 6061Al neutron absorber composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 632, 2015: 23-29.
[2] Y. Yong, L. Jie, L. Xiaochun, Study on bulk aluminum matrix nano-composite fabricated by ultrasonic dispersion of nano-sized SiC particles in molten aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 380(1-2), 2004: 378-383.
[3] T. Rajmohan, K. Palanikumar, S. Ranganathan, Evaluation of mechanical and wear properties of hybrid aluminium matrix composites. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 23(9), 2013: 2509-2517.
[4] K. Sekar, A. Kanjirathikal, M.A. Joseph, Effect of T6 Heat Treatment in Tribological Properties of A356 Aluminum Alloy Reinforced with Al2O3 Nanoparticles by Combination Effect of Stir and Squeeze Casting Method. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 592-594, 2014: 968-971.
[5] M. Ravikumar, H.N. Reddappa, R. Suresh, Y.S. Rammohan, E.R. Babu, C.R. Nagaraja, Machinability study on Al7075/Al2O3-SiC hybrid composites. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 28(1), 2022: 61-77.
[6] S. Dhanalakshmi, N. Mohansundararaju, P.G. Venkatkrishnan, Preparation and mechanical characterization of stir cast hybrid Al7075- Al2O3-B4C metal matrix composites. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 592-594, 2014: 705-710.
[7] M. Li, K. Ma, L. Jiang, H. Yang, E.J. Lavernia, L. Zhang, J.M. Schoenung, Synthesis and mechanical behavior of nanostructured Al5083/n-TiB2 metal matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 656, 2016: 241-248.
[8] L. Kumar, S.N. Alam, S.K. Sahoo, M.B.K. Teja, Mechanical Properties of Cu-MWCNT Composites Developed by Powder Metallurgy Route. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(9), 2018: 19883-19892.
[9] M. Ramchandra, A. Abhishek, P. Siddeshwar, V. Bharathi, Hardness and wear resistance of ZrO2 nano particle reinforced Al nano composites produced by powder metallurgy. Procedia Materials Science, 10, 2015: 212-219.
[10] H.R. Lashgari, A.R. Sufizadeh, M. Emamy, The effect of strontium on the microstructure and wear properties of A356–10% B4C cast composites. Materials & Design, 31(4), 2010: 2187-2195.
[11] K. Kalaiselvan, N. Murugan, S. Parameswaran, Production and characterization of AA6061–B4C stir cast composite. Materials & Design, 32(7), 2011: 4004-4009.
[12] L. Zeng, J. Sakamoto, A. Fujii, H. Noguchi, Role of eutectic silicon particles in fatigue crack initiation and propagation and fatigue strength characteristics of cast aluminum alloy A356. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 115, 2014: 1-12.
[13] C. Kalangi, V. Bolleddu, H.L. Allasi, Tribological characteristics of carbon nanotubes- reinforced plasma-sprayed Al2O3-TiO2 ceramic coatings. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021(1), 2021: 8094640.
[14] I. Kerti, F. Toptan, Microstructural variations in cast B4C-reinforced aluminium matrix composites (AMCs). Materials Letters, 62(8-9), 2008: 1215-1218.
[15] E.M. Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Mechanical assisted synthesis of B4C nanoparticles. Advanced Powder Technology, 22(3), 2011: 354-358.
[16] U. Annigeri, S.C. Simha, Study of stir casting and microstructure of Al-B4C MMCs. Materials Science Forum, 1112, 2024: 27-32.
[17] P.K. Rohatgi, B.F. Schultz, J.B. Ferguson, Synthesis and properties of metal matrix nanocomposites (MMnCs), syntactic foams, self-lubricating and self-healing metals. In Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, Springer, Cham, 2013: 1515-1524.
[18] V. Nishant, S.C. Vettivel, Characterization and experimental analysis of boron carbide and rice husk ash reinforced AA7075 aluminium alloy hybrid composite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 741, 2018: 981-998.
[19] F.A. Essa, Q. Zhang, X. Huang, M.K.A. Ali, A. Elagouz, M.A.A. Abdelkareem, Effects of ZnO and MoS2 Solid Lubricants on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of M50-Steel-Based Composites at High Temperatures: Experimental and Simulation Study. Tribology Letters, 65, 2017: 97.
[20] H.S.V. Kumar, K. Revanna, N. Kumar, N. Sathyanarayana, N. Madeva, G.A. Manjunath, H. Adisu, Impact of Silicon Carbide Particles Weight Percentage on the Microstructure, Mechanical Behaviour, and Fractography of Al2014 Alloy Composites. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022(1), 2022: 2839150.
[21] T. Senthilnathan, K. Balachandar, Mechanical and microstructure evaluation of novel hybrid TiB2/B4C aluminium metal matrix composite. Materials Research Express, 10(6), 2023:066509.
[22] G. Veeresha, B. Manjunatha, M. Nagaral, V. Auardi, V. Bharath, Synthesis and wear behavior of varying particle sized B4C reinforced Al2618 alloy composites. Materials Physics and Mechanics, 50(3), 2022: 373-387.
[23] G.B. Veeresh Kumar, M.S. Kiran, S.M. Khalid, B. Jaswanth, B. Dileep, Mechanical and tribological studies of boron carbide reinforced Al7150 MMCs. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2408(1), 2021: 020019.
[24] M. Nagaral, V. Auradi, K.I. Parashivamurthy, S.A. Kori, B.K. Shivananda, Synthesis and characterization of Al6061-SiC-graphite composites fabricated by liquid metallurgy. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(1), 2018: 2836-2843.
[25] V. Bharath, V. Auradi, M. Nagaral, Fractographic characterization of Al2O3p particulates reinforced Al2014 alloy composites subjected to tensile loading. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 15(57), 2021:14-23.

© 2024 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

Z. Ali, M. Nagaral, V. Muthuraman, V. Auradi, V. Bharath, S. Kumar, R. Kumar, A. Majdi, A.H. Ali, S. Algburi, Synthesis of A356 Alloy-Variable Particle Sized Boron Carbide Composites: Investigations on Mechanical Behaviour and Tensile Fractography. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), 2024: 162-171.

More Citation Formats

Ali, Z., Nagaral, M., Muthuraman, V., Auradi, V., Bharath, V., Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Majdi, A. Ali, A.H., Algburi, S. (2024). Synthesis of A356 Alloy-Variable Particle Sized Boron Carbide Composites: Investigations on Mechanical Behaviour and Tensile Fractography. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), 162-171.

Ali, Zeeshan, et al. “Synthesis of A356 Alloy-Variable Particle Sized Boron Carbide Composites: Investigations on Mechanical Behaviour and Tensile Fractography.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 3, 2024, pp. 162-171.

Ali, Zeeshan, Madeva Nagaral, Vadivel Muthuraman, V. Auradi, V. Bharath, Sandeep Kumar, Rahul Kumar, Ali Majdi, Abduljabar H. Ali, and Sameer Algburi. 2024. “Synthesis of A356 Alloy-Variable Particle Sized Boron Carbide Composites: Investigations on Mechanical Behaviour and Tensile Fractography.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (3): 162-171.

Ali, Z., Nagaral, M., Muthuraman, V., Auradi, V., Bharath, V., Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Majdi, A. Ali, A.H. and Algburi, S. (2024). Synthesis of A356 Alloy-Variable Particle Sized Boron Carbide Composites: Investigations on Mechanical Behaviour and Tensile Fractography. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), pp.162-171.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.3.4.

Synthesis of a356 alloy-variable particle sized boron carbide composites: investigations on mechanical behaviour and tensile fractography


Zeeshan Ali1
, Madeva Nagaral2
, Vadivel Muthuraman3
, V. Auradi4
, V. Bharath5
, Sandeep Kuma6
, Rahul Kumar7
, Ali Majdi8
, Abduljabar H. Ali9
, Sameer Algburi10

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur, Karnataka, 584103, India
2Aircraft Research and Design Centre, HAL, Bangalore, 560037, Karnataka, India
3Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai, India
4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur-572103, Karnataka, India
5Department of Mechanical Engineering, RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560098, Karnataka, India
6Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur- 303012, Rajasthan, India
7Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh Engineering College, Mohali-140307, Punjab, India
8Department of Buildings and Construction Techniques Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Mustaqbal University,
51001 Hillah, Babylon, Iraq
9Al-Bayan University, Baghdad, Iraq
10Al-Kitab University, Kirkuk 36015, Iraq

Received: 28 April 2024
Revised: 19 June 2024
Accepted: 27 June 2024
Published: 30 June 2024


Natural convection is numerically studied in a triangular cavity whose inclined walls that is isothermal at temperature TC, while its base is thermally insulated. The cavity contains a hot isothermal cylindrical heat source TH of diameter D. In this study, we used the nanofluid (water + TiO2). The nanoparticle volume fraction is varied within the range 0.01 ≤ ϕ ≤ 0.05, and the Rayleigh number is set between 103 and 106. The main objective of this study is to explore the impact of nanoparticle concentration, Rayleigh number (Ra), and heat source position (h) on the enhancement of convective thermal transfer. The simulation results show that thermal exchange improves with increasing Ra, heat source diameter, and nanoparticle volume fraction (ϕ).


Natural convection, Triangular cavity, Thermal exchange, Nanofluids, TiO2, Modelling


[1] H.S. Chen, W.X. Wang, Y.L. Li, P. Zhang, H.H. Nie, Q.C. Wu, The design, microstructure and tensile properties of B 4 C particulate reinforced 6061Al neutron absorber composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 632, 2015: 23-29.
[2] Y. Yong, L. Jie, L. Xiaochun, Study on bulk aluminum matrix nano-composite fabricated by ultrasonic dispersion of nano-sized SiC particles in molten aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 380(1-2), 2004:378-383.
[3] T. Rajmohan, K. Palanikumar, S. Ranganathan, Evaluation of mechanical and wear properties of hybrid aluminium matrix composites. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 23(9), 2013: 2509-2517.
[4] K. Sekar, A. Kanjirathikal, M.A. Joseph, Effect of T6 Heat Treatment in Tribological Properties of A356 Aluminum Alloy Reinforced with Al 2 O 3 Nanoparticles by Combination Effect of Stir and Squeeze Casting Method. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 592-594, 2014: 968-971.
[5] M. Ravikumar, H.N. Reddappa, R. Suresh, Y.S. Rammohan, E.R. Babu, C.R. Nagaraja, Machinability study on Al7075/Al 2 O 3 -SiC hybrid composites. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 28(1), 2022: 61-77.
[6] S. Dhanalakshmi, N. Mohansundararaju, P.G. Venkatkrishnan, Preparation and mechanical characterization of stir cast hybrid Al7075- Al 2 O 3 -B 4 C metal matrix composites. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 592-594, 2014: 705-710.
[7] M. Li, K. Ma, L. Jiang, H. Yang, E.J. Lavernia, L. Zhang, J.M. Schoenung, Synthesis and mechanical behavior of nanostructured Al5083/n-TiB 2 metal matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 656, 2016: 241-248.
[8] L. Kumar, S.N. Alam, S.K. Sahoo, M.B.K. Teja, Mechanical Properties of Cu-MWCNT Composites Developed by Powder Metallurgy Route. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(9), 2018: 19883-19892.
[9] M. Ramchandra, A. Abhishek, P. Siddeshwar, V. Bharathi, Hardness and wear resistance of ZrO 2 nano particle reinforced Al nano composites produced by powder metallurgy. Procedia Materials Science, 10, 2015: 212-219.
[10] H.R. Lashgari, A.R. Sufizadeh, M. Emamy, The effect of strontium on the microstructure and wear properties of A356–10% B 4 C cast composites. Materials & Design, 31(4), 2010:2187-2195.
[11] K. Kalaiselvan, N. Murugan, S. Parameswaran, Production and characterization of AA6061–B 4 C stir cast composite. Materials & Design, 32(7), 2011: 4004-4009.
[12] L. Zeng, J. Sakamoto, A. Fujii, H. Noguchi, Role of eutectic silicon particles in fatigue crack initiation and propagation and fatigue strength characteristics of cast aluminum alloy A356. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 115, 2014: 1-12.
[13] C. Kalangi, V. Bolleddu, H.L. Allasi, Tribological characteristics of carbon nanotubes- reinforced plasma-sprayed Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ceramic coatings. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021(1), 2021: 8094640.
[14] I. Kerti, F. Toptan, Microstructural variations in cast B 4 C-reinforced aluminium matrix composites (AMCs). Materials Letters, 62(8-9), 2008: 1215-1218.
[15] E.M. Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Mechanical assisted synthesis of B 4 C nanoparticles. Advanced Powder Technology, 22(3), 2011: 354-358.
[16] U. Annigeri, S.C. Simha, Study of stir casting and microstructure of Al-B 4 C MMCs. Materials Science Forum, 1112, 2024:27-32.
[17] P.K. Rohatgi, B.F. Schultz, J.B. Ferguson, Synthesis and properties of metal matrix nanocomposites (MMnCs), syntactic foams, self-lubricating and self-healing metals. In Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, Springer, Cham, 2013: 1515-1524.
[18] V. Nishant, S.C. Vettivel, Characterization and experimental analysis of boron carbide and rice husk ash reinforced AA7075 aluminium alloy hybrid composite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 741, 2018: 981-998.
[19] F.A. Essa, Q. Zhang, X. Huang, M.K.A. Ali, A. Elagouz, M.A.A. Abdelkareem, Effects of ZnO and MoS 2  Solid Lubricants on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of M50-Steel-Based Composites at High Temperatures: Experimental and Simulation Study. Tribology Letters, 65, 2017: 97.
[20] H.S.V. Kumar, K. Revanna, N. Kumar, N. Sathyanarayana, N. Madeva, G.A. Manjunath, H. Adisu, Impact of Silicon Carbide Particles Weight Percentage on the Microstructure, Mechanical Behaviour, and Fractography of Al2014 Alloy Composites. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022(1), 2022: 2839150.
[21] T. Senthilnathan, K. Balachandar, Mechanical and microstructure evaluation of novel hybrid TiB2/B4C aluminium metal matrix composite. Materials Research Express, 10(6), 2023:066509.
[22] G. Veeresha, B. Manjunatha, M. Nagaral, V. Auardi, V. Bharath, Synthesis and wear behavior of varying particle sized B 4 C reinforced Al2618 alloy composites. Materials Physics and Mechanics, 50(3), 2022: 373-387.
[23] G.B. Veeresh Kumar, M.S. Kiran, S.M. Khalid, B. Jaswanth, B. Dileep, Mechanical and tribological studies of boron carbide reinforced Al7150 MMCs. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2408(1), 2021: 020019.
[24] M. Nagaral, V. Auradi, K.I. Parashivamurthy, S.A. Kori, B.K. Shivananda, Synthesis and characterization of Al6061-SiC-graphite composites fabricated by liquid metallurgy . Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(1), 2018:2836-2843.
[25] V. Bharath, V. Auradi, M. Nagaral, Fractographic characterization of Al 2 O 3 p particulates reinforced Al2014 alloy composites subjected to tensile loading . Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 15(57), 2021:14-23.

© 2024 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

M.A. Belmiloud, S. Mekroussi, B. Mebarek, H.M. Meghazi, M.S.M. Saleh, Thermal Source Effect on the Natural Convection of a Nanofluid Within a Triangular Cavity. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 2024: 94-104.

More Citation Formats

Belmiloud, M.A., Mekroussi, S., Mebarek, B., Meghazi, H.M., & Saleh, M.S.M. (2024). Thermal Source Effect on the Natural Convection of a Nanofluid Within a Triangular Cavity. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 94-104.

Belmiloud, Mohamed Amine, et al. “Thermal Source Effect on the Natural Convection of a Nanofluid Within a Triangular Cavity.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, 2024, pp. 94-104.

Belmiloud, Mohamed Amine, Said Mekroussi, Bendaoud Mebarek, Hadj Madani Meghazi, and Momen S.M. Saleh. 2024. “Thermal Source Effect on the Natural Convection of a Nanofluid Within a Triangular Cavity.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (2): 94-104.

Belmiloud, M.A., Mekroussi, S., Mebarek, B., Meghazi, H.M. and Saleh, M.S.M. (2024). Thermal Source Effect on the Natural Convection of a Nanofluid Within a Triangular Cavity. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), pp. 94-104.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.2.4.