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K. Ashma Banu1
, J. Vimala1
, Dragan Pamucar2

, Xindong Peng3

, P. Mahalakshmi1

1Department of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India
2Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
3School of Information Science and Engineering, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan, China

Received: 10 July 2024
Revised: 22 August 2024
Accepted: 17 September 2024
Published: 30 September 2024


The need to grow in a secure and tranquil environment demands the efforts of an armed force, and only with a strong-armed force can a country ensure its national security. In military activities, communication devices are widely used to confuse enemies’ radars or communications to abandon their strategies and execute planned actions. The range of communication devices depends mainly on the antennas used. Army sustainability goals are to upgrade the effectiveness of the mission, reduce army environmental impact, build green sustainable structures, and attain the energy level independence that improves the continuity of operations which are indispensable to the mission. The primary goal of this paper is to present an innovative mathematical model for selecting pertinent antennae in communication devices using an innovative idea called a Complex Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Soft set based on the various attributes by incorporating decision-making techniques. Also, some of its beneficial operations such as Complement, AND, OR, Extended Union, and Extended Intersection, are presented in concert with the properties and theorems to apprise the viability of the proposed paper. This concept is more applicable and necessary to assess real-life situations using mathematical modeling.


Military, Communication devices, Antenna, Linear Diophantine, Complex Fuzzy set theory


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© 2024 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

K.A. Banu, J. Vimala, D. Pamucar, X. Peng, P. Mahalakshmi, Convergence Strategies for Optimizing Antenna Selection in a Communication System: A Complex Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Soft Set Approach. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), 2024: 146-161.

More Citation Formats

Banu, K.A., Vimala, J., Pamucar, D., Peng, X., & Mahalakshmi, P. (2024). Convergence Strategies for Optimizing Antenna Selection in a Communication System: A Complex Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Soft Set Approach. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), 146-161.

Banu, K. Ashma, et al. “Convergence Strategies for Optimizing Antenna Selection in a Communication System: A Complex Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Soft Set Approach.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 146-161.

Banu, K. Ashma, J. Vimala, Dragan Pamucar, Xindong Peng, and P. Mahalakshmi. 2024. “Convergence Strategies for Optimizing Antenna Selection in a Communication System: A Complex Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Soft Set Approach.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (3): 146-161.

Banu, K.A., Vimala, J., Pamucar, D., Peng, X. and Mahalakshmi, P. (2024). Convergence Strategies for Optimizing Antenna Selection in a Communication System: A Complex Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Soft Set Approach. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), pp. 146-161.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.3.3.

Optimal selection for machining processes using the psi-r-piv method


Tran Van Dua1
1School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi City, 100000, Vietnam

Received: 9 July 2024
Revised: 26 August 2024
Accepted: 11 September 2024
Published: 30 September 2024


Machining processes are crucial in the production of various products across different industries. The accuracy, lifespan, and cost of these products significantly depend on the machining processes. This research introduces a novel method for selecting the optimal solution for machining processes. The proposed method, named PSI-R-PIV, is a hybrid of three methods preference selection index (PSI), ranking of the attributes and alternatives (R), and proximity indexed value (PIV). PSI, R, and PIV are all techniques used to rank options to determine the best among the available choices. Moreover, PSI and R have an additional function of calculating weights for the criteria. Therefore, using PSI-R-PIV to rank options for each machining process results in four sets of rankings: one by PSI, one by R, and two by PIV. In the PIV method, the weights for the criteria are calculated using the PSI and R methods. The ranking method using PIV with weights calculated by the PSI and R methods is named the PSI-PIV and R-PIV methods respectively. The four methods in the PSI-R-PIV combination include PSI, R, PSI-PIV, and R-PIV, and have been utilized to rank options in various machining processes. The results indicate that the PSI-PIV method offers high accuracy and is recommended for selecting the best option among the available choices in machining processes.


Aerodynamic Drag, Coefficient of Drag, CFD, Concept Car, NX, Ansys Fluent


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© 2024 by the author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

V.H. Quan, Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 2024: 105-115.

More Citation Formats

Quan, V.H. (2024). Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 105-115.

Quan, Vu Hai, “Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 2024, 105-115.

Quan, Vu Hai, 2024. “Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (2):105-115.

Quan, V.H. (2024). Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), pp. 105-115.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.2.5.