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Multi-objective modeling and optimization of the thermal behavior of an AT10-type belt transmission using ANOVA, RMS and DF methods


Abdelhak Haroun1

, Sidi Mohammed Merghache1

1Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Structures, Tissemsilt University, Algeria

Received: 26 April 2024
Revised: 11 June 2024
Accepted: 22 July 2024
Published: 30 September 2024


This research work focuses on the analysis of the impact of different parameters, such as the angular speed N1, the resistant torque M2 and the setting tension T of the timing belt on its operation. The main objective is to optimize the performance of the belt by understanding how these parameters influence its thermal behaviour. By carefully examining these factors, it becomes possible to identify the adjustments needed to improve the overall efficiency of the belt. An in-depth statistical analysis was conducted using three different approaches: analysis of variance (ANOVA), response surface method (RSM) and desirability function (DF) method, in order to examine the temperature of the heating of the belt T1 and its efficiency η. Data from the experiment are examined and manipulated to develop mathematical models that demonstrate the correlation between various parameters and growth rates. The results clearly demonstrate that the resistant couple M2 plays a preponderant role, with contributions of 55.25% and 69.82%, respectively. In addition, the N1 angular speed also has a significant influence, contributing 7.58% and 17.84%, respectively. On the other hand, setting tension T makes a small contribution to the temperature of belt T1. And a strong influence of 21.91% on their performance. These results clearly indicate that better efficiency can be obtained by reducing the angular speed N1 and increasing the resistive torque M2. These results show that the developed models have been well established and that there is a good correlation between the experimental and predicted data.


Toothed belt, Efficiency, Optimization, Measure, Temperature, Angular speed, Resistant torque


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© 2024 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

A. Haroun, S.M. Merghache, Multi-Objective Modeling and Optimization of the Thermal Behavior of an AT10-Type Belt Transmission Using ANOVA, RMS and DF Methods. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), 2024: 117-131.

More Citation Formats

Haroun, A., & Merghache, S.M. (2024). Multi-Objective Modeling and Optimization of the Thermal Behavior of an AT10-Type Belt Transmission Using ANOVA, RMS and DF Methods. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), 117-131.

Haroun, A., & S.M. Merghache, “Multi-Objective Modeling and Optimization of the Thermal Behavior of an AT10-Type Belt Transmission Using ANOVA, RMS and DF Methods.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 3, 2024, pp. 117-131.

Haroun, Abdelhak, and Sidi Mohammed Merghache. 2024. “Multi-Objective Modeling and Optimization of the Thermal Behavior of an AT10-Type Belt Transmission Using ANOVA, RMS and DF Methods.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (3): 117-131.

Haroun, A. and Merghache, S.M. (2024). Multi-Objective Modeling and Optimization of the Thermal Behavior of an AT10-Type Belt Transmission Using ANOVA, RMS and DF Methods. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(3), pp. 117-131.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.3.1.

Research and optimization of sport utility vehicle aerodynamic design


Vu Hai Quan1

1School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Ha Noi University of Industry (HaUI), Ha Noi 100000,

Received: 29 March 2024
Revised: 13 June 2024
Accepted: 26 June 2024
Published: 30 June 2024


Drag and lift are two important parameters to evaluate a vehicle’s aerodynamic performance. Aerodynamic resistance (drag force Fd) prevents the movement of the vehicle and has a value proportional to the square of the velocity. That is, when the speed increases twice, the aerodynamic drag will increase fourfold. This article presents a plan to design a sport utility vehicle model with improved aerodynamics by using Ansys Fluent software to analyze pressure distribution areas that affect aerodynamics and the body. Based on the results obtained, the areas of stress and maximum pressure concentration have been identified. From this, a plan to improve the vehicle’s exterior design has been proposed. After many iterations of the design and model optimization process, the aerodynamic drag coefficient CD was reduced by 3.06% compared to the original model. The revised design option is equipped with an airflow diffuser under the vehicle; the lifting resistance coefficient has been reduced from 0.0902 to 0.038, equivalent to 58.2%. The new proposed design of the model has reduced the vehicle’s frontal drag by 2.04%. The research results have determined the aerodynamic coefficients CD and CL of the model car. Based on the results received, it is possible to compare them with the manufacturer’s announced parameters and propose new design options that still ensure aesthetics.


Aerodynamic Drag, Coefficient of Drag, CFD, Concept Car, NX, Ansys Fluent


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© 2024 by the author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

V.H. Quan, Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 2024: 105-115.

More Citation Formats

Quan, V.H. (2024). Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), 105-115.

Quan, Vu Hai, “Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 2024, 105-115.

Quan, Vu Hai, 2024. “Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 9 (2):105-115.

Quan, V.H. (2024). Research and Optimization of Sport Utility Vehicle Aerodynamic Design. Applied Engineering Letters, 9(2), pp. 105-115.
doi: 10.46793/aeletters.2024.9.2.5.