ISSN 2466-4677; e-ISSN 2466-4847
SCImago Journal Rank
2023: SJR=0.19
CWTS Journal Indicators
2023: SNIP=0.57
Luan Nguyen Thanh2
1 Division of Mechanical Engineering, Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, University of Transport and
Communications, Vietnam
2 Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
(HCMUTE), Vietnam
Received: 2 September 2023
Revised: 10 November 2023
Accepted: 21 November 2023
Published: 31 December 2023
Anchovy fish, infrared-convective dryer, Taguchi analysis, hybrid dryer, regression method
[1] W. Dongbang, A. Matthujak, Anchovy drying using infrared radiation. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(4), 2013: 353-360.
[2] L. Hamza, K. Mounir, B. Younes, T. Zakaria, M. Haytem, M. Hind, L. Abdelkader, I. Ali, Physicochemical study of the conservation of Moroccan anchovies by convective solar drying. Renewable Energy, 152, 2020: 44-54.
[3] J.S. Kum, K.J. Park, C.H. Lee, J.S. Im, Physicochemical properties of dried anchovy (Engraulis japonica) subjected to microwave drying. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 30(1), 1998: 103-109.
[4] K.d. Moraes, L.A.d.A. Pinto, Drying kinetics, biochemical and functional properties of products in convective drying of anchovy (Engraulis Anchoita) fillets. International Journal of Food Engineering, 9(4), 2013: 341-351.
[5] D.A. Delfiya, R. Sneha, K. Prashob, S. Murali, P. Alfiya, M.P. Samuel, Hot air‐assisted continuous infrared dryer for anchovy fish drying. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 45(6), 2022: e13824.
[6] B. Abraha, M. Samuel, A. Mohammud, H.M. Habte-Tsion, H. Admassu, N.Q.M. Al-Hajj, A comparative study on quality of dried anchovy (Stelophorus heterolobus) using open sun rack and solar tent drying methods. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17(6), 2017: 1107-1115.
[7] Y.J. Cho, K.B. Shim, T.J. Kim, S.T. Kang, H.S. Lee, Y.J. Choi, Effects of Drying Conditions on Lipid Oxidation and Patty acid Compositions of Large Anchovy. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 33(3), 2000: 192-197.
[8] A. Al-Saadi, P.B. Pathare, M. Al-Rizeiqi, I. Al-Bulushi, A. Al-Ismaili, Quality Improvement of Dried Anchovies at Three Solar Drying Methods. Journal of Food Quality, 2023.
[9] R. Ragasudha, P. Karthickumar, S. Murali, R. Pradeep, K. Rathnakumar, C. Mercy Amrita, D. Babiyola, N. Manimehalai, Design and performance analysis of a PV-powered solar-infrared hybrid dryer for anchovy fish drying. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2023: 1-12.
[10] L.N. Thanh, H.N. Minh, H.S.N. Le, N.L. Hoai, Thin-Layer Drying Kinetics of Pseudapocryptes Elongatus Fish in a Convective Dryer. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 108(1), 2023: 158-172.
[11] S.A.O. Adeyeye, An overview of fish drying kinetics. Nutrition & Food Science, 49(5), 2019: 886-902.
[12] L.T. Nguyen, M.H. Nguyen, H.S.N. Le, Thin-Layer Drying of Burdock Root in a Convective Dryer: Drying Kinetics and Numerical Simulation. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 104(1), 2023: 21-36.
[13] M.H. Riadh, S A.B. Ahmad, M.H. Marhaban, A.C. Soh, Infrared heating in food drying: An overview. Drying technology, 33(3), 2015: 322-335.
[14] D.T.H. Hai, N. Van Dung, N.M. Phu, Experimental Determination of Transport Parameters of Dragon Fruit Slices by Infrared Drying. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 97(2), 2022: 80-90.
[15] Z. Geng, H. Wang, M. Torki, M. Beigi, L. Zhu, X. Huang, X. Yang, B. Hu, Thermodynamically analysis and optimization of potato drying in a combined infrared/convective dryer. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 42, 2023: 102671.
[16] S. Zadhossein, Y. Abbaspour‐Gilandeh, M. Kaveh, D. Kalantari, E. Khalife, Comparison of two artificial intelligence methods (ANNs and ANFIS) for estimating the energy and exergy of drying cantaloupe in a hybrid infrared‐convective dryer. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46(10), 2022: e16836.
[17] H.S. EL-Mesery, R.M. Kamel, R.Z. Emara, Influence of infrared intensity and air temperature on energy consumption and physical quality of dried apple using hybrid dryer. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 27, 2021: 101365.
[18] R. Brandao, L. Santos, L. Marques, M. Prado. Heat and mass transfer and energy aspects in combined infrared-convective drying of bee-pollen. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2015.
[19] H. Nemati, V. Souriaee, M. Habibi, K. Vafai, Design and Taguchi-based optimization of the latent heat thermal storage in the form of structured porous-coated pipe. Energy, 263, 2023: 125947.
[20] L.N. Thanh, The influence of baffled channel for cooling hot surface: Numerical simulation and Taguchi analysis. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023: 103646.
[21] R.S. Kumar, K. Sureshkumar, R. Velraj, Optimization of biodiesel production from Manilkara zapota (L.) seed oil using Taguchi method. Fuel, 140, 2015: 90-96.
[22] M.N. Pervez, W.S. Yeo, L. Lin, X. Xiong, V. Naddeo, Y. Cai, Optimization and prediction of the cotton fabric dyeing process using Taguchi design-integrated machine learning approach. Scientific reports, 13(1), 2023: 12363.
[23] X. Huang, F. Li, Y. Li, X. Meng, X. Yang, B. Sundén, Optimization of melting performance of a heat storage tank under rotation conditions: Based on Taguchi design and response surface method. Energy, 271, 2023: 127100.
[24] P.S. Minh, H.-S. Dang, N.C. Ha, Optimization of 3D cooling channels in plastic injection molds by Taguchi-integrated principal component analysis (PCA). Polymers, 15(5), 2023: 1080.
[25] B. Stojanovic, J. Blagojevic, M. Babic, S. Velickovic, S. Miladinovic, Optimization of hybrid aluminum composites wear using Taguchi method and artificial neural network. Industrial lubrication and tribology, 69(6), 2017: 1005-1015.
[26] Minitab release 17: statistical software for windows. Minitab Inc, USA, 2014.
[27] S.A. Klein, F. Alvarado, EES-engineering equation solver. F-chart software, 2002.
© 2023 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
How to Cite
M.H. Nguyen, L.N. Thanh, The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis. Applied Engineering Letters, 8(4), 2023: 167-174.
More Citation Formats
Nguyen, M.H., & Thanh, L.N. (2023). The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis. Applied Engineering Letters, 8(4), 167-174.
Nguyen, Minh Ha, & Luan Nguyen Thanh. “The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 8, no. 4, 2023, pp. 167-174.
Nguyen, Minh Ha, and Luan Nguyen Thanh. 2023. “The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 8 (4): 167-174.
Nguyen, M.H. and Thanh, L.N. (2023). The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis. Applied Engineering Letters, 8(4), pp. 167-174.
doi: 10.18485/aeletters.2023.8.4.4.
Luan Nguyen Thanh2
1 Division of Mechanical Engineering, Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, University of Transport and
Communications, Vietnam
2 Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
(HCMUTE), Vietnam
Received: 2 September 2023
Revised: 10 November 2023
Accepted: 21 November 2023
Published: 31 December 2023
Anchovy fish, infrared-convective dryer, Taguchi analysis, hybrid dryer, regression method
[1] W. Dongbang, A. Matthujak, Anchovy drying using infrared radiation. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(4), 2013: 353-360.
[2] L. Hamza, K. Mounir, B. Younes, T. Zakaria, M. Haytem, M. Hind, L. Abdelkader, I. Ali, Physicochemical study of the conservation of Moroccan anchovies by convective solar drying. Renewable Energy, 152, 2020: 44-54.
[3] J.S. Kum, K.J. Park, C.H. Lee, J.S. Im, Physicochemical properties of dried anchovy (Engraulis japonica) subjected to microwave drying. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 30(1), 1998: 103-109.
[4] K.d. Moraes, L.A.d.A. Pinto, Drying kinetics, biochemical and functional properties of products in convective drying of anchovy (Engraulis Anchoita) fillets. International Journal of Food Engineering, 9(4), 2013: 341-351.
[5] D.A. Delfiya, R. Sneha, K. Prashob, S. Murali, P. Alfiya, M.P. Samuel, Hot air‐assisted continuous infrared dryer for anchovy fish drying. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 45(6), 2022: e13824.
[6] B. Abraha, M. Samuel, A. Mohammud, H.M. Habte-Tsion, H. Admassu, N.Q.M. Al-Hajj, A comparative study on quality of dried anchovy (Stelophorus heterolobus) using open sun rack and solar tent drying methods. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17(6), 2017: 1107-1115.
[7] Y.J. Cho, K.B. Shim, T.J. Kim, S.T. Kang, H.S. Lee, Y.J. Choi, Effects of Drying Conditions on Lipid Oxidation and Patty acid Compositions of Large Anchovy. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 33(3), 2000: 192-197.
[8] A. Al-Saadi, P.B. Pathare, M. Al-Rizeiqi, I. Al-Bulushi, A. Al-Ismaili, Quality Improvement of Dried Anchovies at Three Solar Drying Methods. Journal of Food Quality, 2023.
[9] R. Ragasudha, P. Karthickumar, S. Murali, R. Pradeep, K. Rathnakumar, C. Mercy Amrita, D. Babiyola, N. Manimehalai, Design and performance analysis of a PV-powered solar-infrared hybrid dryer for anchovy fish drying. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2023: 1-12.
[10] L.N. Thanh, H.N. Minh, H.S.N. Le, N.L. Hoai, Thin-Layer Drying Kinetics of Pseudapocryptes Elongatus Fish in a Convective Dryer. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 108(1), 2023: 158-172.
[11] S.A.O. Adeyeye, An overview of fish drying kinetics. Nutrition & Food Science, 49(5), 2019: 886-902.
[12] L.T. Nguyen, M.H. Nguyen, H.S.N. Le, Thin-Layer Drying of Burdock Root in a Convective Dryer: Drying Kinetics and Numerical Simulation. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 104(1), 2023: 21-36.
[13] M.H. Riadh, S A.B. Ahmad, M.H. Marhaban, A.C. Soh, Infrared heating in food drying: An overview. Drying technology, 33(3), 2015: 322-335.
[14] D.T.H. Hai, N. Van Dung, N.M. Phu, Experimental Determination of Transport Parameters of Dragon Fruit Slices by Infrared Drying. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 97(2), 2022: 80-90.
[15] Z. Geng, H. Wang, M. Torki, M. Beigi, L. Zhu, X. Huang, X. Yang, B. Hu, Thermodynamically analysis and optimization of potato drying in a combined infrared/convective dryer. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 42, 2023: 102671.
[16] S. Zadhossein, Y. Abbaspour‐Gilandeh, M. Kaveh, D. Kalantari, E. Khalife, Comparison of two artificial intelligence methods (ANNs and ANFIS) for estimating the energy and exergy of drying cantaloupe in a hybrid infrared‐convective dryer. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46(10), 2022: e16836.
[17] H.S. EL-Mesery, R.M. Kamel, R.Z. Emara, Influence of infrared intensity and air temperature on energy consumption and physical quality of dried apple using hybrid dryer. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 27, 2021: 101365.
[18] R. Brandao, L. Santos, L. Marques, M. Prado. Heat and mass transfer and energy aspects in combined infrared-convective drying of bee-pollen. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2015.
[19] H. Nemati, V. Souriaee, M. Habibi, K. Vafai, Design and Taguchi-based optimization of the latent heat thermal storage in the form of structured porous-coated pipe. Energy, 263, 2023: 125947.
[20] L.N. Thanh, The influence of baffled channel for cooling hot surface: Numerical simulation and Taguchi analysis. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023: 103646.
[21] R.S. Kumar, K. Sureshkumar, R. Velraj, Optimization of biodiesel production from Manilkara zapota (L.) seed oil using Taguchi method. Fuel, 140, 2015: 90-96.
[22] M.N. Pervez, W.S. Yeo, L. Lin, X. Xiong, V. Naddeo, Y. Cai, Optimization and prediction of the cotton fabric dyeing process using Taguchi design-integrated machine learning approach. Scientific reports, 13(1), 2023: 12363.
[23] X. Huang, F. Li, Y. Li, X. Meng, X. Yang, B. Sundén, Optimization of melting performance of a heat storage tank under rotation conditions: Based on Taguchi design and response surface method. Energy, 271, 2023: 127100.
[24] P.S. Minh, H.-S. Dang, N.C. Ha, Optimization of 3D cooling channels in plastic injection molds by Taguchi-integrated principal component analysis (PCA). Polymers, 15(5), 2023: 1080.
[25] B. Stojanovic, J. Blagojevic, M. Babic, S. Velickovic, S. Miladinovic, Optimization of hybrid aluminum composites wear using Taguchi method and artificial neural network. Industrial lubrication and tribology, 69(6), 2017: 1005-1015.
[26] Minitab release 17: statistical software for windows. Minitab Inc, USA, 2014.
[27] S.A. Klein, F. Alvarado, EES-engineering equation solver. F-chart software, 2002.
© 2023 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
How to Cite
M.H. Nguyen, L.N. Thanh, The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis. Applied Engineering Letters, 8(4), 2023: 167-174.
More Citation Formats
Nguyen, M.H., & Thanh, L.N. (2023). The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis. Applied Engineering Letters, 8(4), 167-174.
Nguyen, Minh Ha, & Luan Nguyen Thanh. “The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 8, no. 4, 2023, pp. 167-174.
Nguyen, Minh Ha, and Luan Nguyen Thanh. 2023. “The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 8 (4): 167-174.
Nguyen, M.H. and Thanh, L.N. (2023). The Influence of Drying Mode on the Drying Time of Anchovy Fish in a Hybrid Infrared-Convective Dryer: Drying Time Correlation and Taguchi Analysis. Applied Engineering Letters, 8(4), pp. 167-174.
doi: 10.18485/aeletters.2023.8.4.4.