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Milan Omasta1

, Václav Navrátil1, Tomáš Gabriel1, Radovan Galas1, Milan Klapka1

1Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic

Received: 06.12.2021.
Accepted: 14.02.2022.
Available: 31.03.2022.


Wheel squeal noise research requires many repeatable experiments under controlled driving conditions. While it is difficult to control those conditions on the real track, test rigs are designed. For the experimental validation of the models describing the wheel-squeal noise and other dynamic-related phenomena, suitable experimental models must be utilized. The aim of this paper is to present the design of the twin-disc test rig for the study of the wheel-squeal phenomena. This test rig utilizes a dynamic model of the track-train interaction and uses real train wheel for a more realistic representation of the emitted noise. This twin-disc test rig is intended for research into the mechanisms of the wheel squeal noise formation and for the development and validation of a prediction model. In particular, the influence of weather conditions and the presence of various friction layers in the contact will be addressed.


Wheel-rail contact, twin-disc, wheel squeal noise, adhesion characteristic, dynamic model


[1] B. Müller, J. Oertli, Combating Curve Squeal: Monitoring existing applications. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 293(3-5), 2006: 728-734.
[2] J.R. Koch, N. Vincent, H. Chollet, O. Chiello, Curve squeal of urban rolling stock — Part 2: Parametric study on a 1/4 scale test rig. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 293(3-5), 2006: 701-709.
[3] E.A.G. Hernandez, Wheel and Rail Contact Simulation Using a Twin Disc Tester (Ph.D. thesis). The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 2008.
[4] W.J. Wang, S.R. Lewis, R. Lewis, A. Beagles, C. G. He, Q. Y. Liu, The role of slip ratio in rolling contact fatigue of rail materials under wet conditions. Wear, 376-377, 2017: 1892-1900.
[5] M. Naeimi, Z. Li, R.H. Petrov, J. Sietsma, R. Dollevoet, Development of a New Downscale Setup for Wheel-Rail Contact Experiments under Impact Loading Conditions. Experimental Techniques, 42(1), 2018: 1–17.
[6] S. S. Hsu, Z. Huang, S. D. Iwnicki, D. J. Thompson, C. J. C. Jones, G. Xie, P. D. Allen, Experimental and theoretical investigation of railway wheel squeal. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 221(1), 2007:59–73,
[7] F G. de Beer, M.H.A. Janssens, P.P. Kooijman, Squeal noise of rail-bound vehicles influenced by lateral contact position. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 267(3), 2003: 497-507.
[8] A.D. Monk-Steel, D.J. Thompson, F.G. de Beer, M.H.A. Janssens, An investigation into the influence of longitudinal creepage on railway squeal noise due to lateral creepage. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 293(3-5), 2006: 766-776.
[9] L. Walls, Test Rig Design for Simulation and Identific ation of Rail Corrugation (Ph.D. thesis). The University of Queensland, Queensland, 2003.
[10] P.A. Meehan, X. Liu, Modelling and mitigation of wheel squeal noise amplitude. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 413, 2018: 144-158.
[11] P. A. Meehan, X. Liu, Modelling and mitigation of wheel squeal noise under friction modifiers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 440, 2019: 147- 160.
[12] P.A. Meehan, X. Liu, Wheel squeal noise control under water-based friction modifiers based on instantaneous rolling contact mechanics. Wear, 440-441, 2019: 203052.
[13] Y. Jin, M. Ishida, A. Namura, Experimental simulation and prediction of wear of wheel flange and rail gauge corner. Wear, 271(1–2), 2011: 259-267.
[14] P. Voltr, M. Lata, O. Cerny, Measuring of wheelrail adhesion at a test stand, 8th International Conference Engineering Mechanics, 2012, Svratka, Czech Republic, pp.1543-1553.
[15] P. Voltr, M. Lata, Transient wheel-rail adhesion characteristics under the cleaning effect of sliding. Vehicle System Dynamics, 53(5), 2015:605-618.
[16] R. Galas, D. Smejkal, M. Omasta, M. Hartl, Twin-disc experimental device for study of adhesion in wheel-rail contact. Engineering Mechanics, 21, 2014: 329-334.
[17] D.J. Thompson, G. Squicciarini, B. Ding, L. Baeza, A State-of-the-Art Review of Curve Squeal Noise: Phenomena, Mechanisms, Modelling and Mitigation. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 139, 2018: 3-41.
[18] M.J. Rudd, Wheel/rail noise – Part II: Wheel Squeal. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 46(3), 1976: 381-394.
[19] P.A. Meehan, Prediction of wheel squeal noise under mode coupling. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 465, 2020: 115025.
[20] N. Bosso, M. Spirzagin, A. Gugliotta, A. Soma, Mechatronic Modeling of Real-Time WheelRail Contact, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

M. Omasta, V. Navrátil, T. Gabriel, R. Galas, M. Klapka, Design and Development of a Twin Disc Test Rig for the Study of Squeal Noise from the Wheel – Rail Interface. Applied Engineering Letters, 7(1), 2022: 10-16.

More Citation Formats

Omasta, M., Navrátil, V., Gabriel, T., Galas, R., & Klapka, M. (2022). Design and Development of a Twin Disc Test Rig for the Study of Squeal Noise from the Wheel – Rail Interface. Applied Engineering Letters, 7(1), 10-16.

Omasta, Milan, et al. “Design and Development of a Twin Disc Test Rig for the Study of Squeal Noise from the Wheel – Rail Interface.” Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 7, no. 1, 2022, pp. 10-16,

Omasta, Milan, Václav Navrátil, Tomáš Gabriel, Radovan Galas, and Milan Klapka. 2022. “Design and Development of a Twin Disc Test Rig for the Study of Squeal Noise from the Wheel – Rail Interface.” Applied Engineering Letters 7 (1): 10-16.

Omasta, M., Navrátil, V., Gabriel, T., Galas, R. and Klapka, M. (2022). Design and Development of a Twin Disc Test Rig for the Study of Squeal Noise from the Wheel – Rail Interface. Applied Engineering Letters, 7(1), pp.10-16.
doi: 10.18485/aeletters.2022.7.1.2



Milan Omasta1

, Václav Navrátil1, Tomáš Gabriel1, Radovan Galas1, Milan Klapka1

1Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic

Received: 06.12.2021.
Accepted: 14.02.2022.
Available: 31.03.2022.


Wheel squeal noise research requires many repeatable experiments under controlled driving conditions. While it is difficult to control those conditions on the real track, test rigs are designed. For the experimental validation of the models describing the wheel-squeal noise and other dynamic-related phenomena, suitable experimental models must be utilized. The aim of this paper is to present the design of the twin-disc test rig for the study of the wheel-squeal phenomena. This test rig utilizes a dynamic model of the track-train interaction and uses real train wheel for a more realistic representation of the emitted noise. This twin-disc test rig is intended for research into the mechanisms of the wheel squeal noise formation and for the development and validation of a prediction model. In particular, the influence of weather conditions and the presence of various friction layers in the contact will be addressed.


Wheel-rail contact, twin-disc, wheel squeal noise, adhesion characteristic, dynamic model


[1] B. Müller, J. Oertli, Combating Curve Squeal: Monitoring existing applications. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 293(3-5), 2006: 728-734.
[2] J.R. Koch, N. Vincent, H. Chollet, O. Chiello, Curve squeal of urban rolling stock — Part 2: Parametric study on a 1/4 scale test rig. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 293(3-5), 2006: 701-709.
[3] E.A.G. Hernandez, Wheel and Rail Contact Simulation Using a Twin Disc Tester (Ph.D. thesis). The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 2008.
[4] W.J. Wang, S.R. Lewis, R. Lewis, A. Beagles, C. G. He, Q. Y. Liu, The role of slip ratio in rolling contact fatigue of rail materials under wet conditions. Wear, 376-377, 2017: 1892-1900.
[5] M. Naeimi, Z. Li, R.H. Petrov, J. Sietsma, R. Dollevoet, Development of a New Downscale Setup for Wheel-Rail Contact Experiments under Impact Loading Conditions. Experimental Techniques, 42(1), 2018: 1–17.
[6] S. S. Hsu, Z. Huang, S. D. Iwnicki, D. J. Thompson, C. J. C. Jones, G. Xie, P. D. Allen, Experimental and theoretical investigation of railway wheel squeal. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 221(1), 2007:59–73,
[7] F G. de Beer, M.H.A. Janssens, P.P. Kooijman, Squeal noise of rail-bound vehicles influenced by lateral contact position. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 267(3), 2003: 497-507.
[8] A.D. Monk-Steel, D.J. Thompson, F.G. de Beer, M.H.A. Janssens, An investigation into the influence of longitudinal creepage on railway squeal noise due to lateral creepage. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 293(3-5), 2006: 766-776.
[9] L. Walls, Test Rig Design for Simulation and Identific ation of Rail Corrugation (Ph.D. thesis). The University of Queensland, Queensland, 2003.
[10] P.A. Meehan, X. Liu, Modelling and mitigation of wheel squeal noise amplitude. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 413, 2018: 144-158.
[11] P. A. Meehan, X. Liu, Modelling and mitigation of wheel squeal noise under friction modifiers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 440, 2019: 147- 160.
[12] P.A. Meehan, X. Liu, Wheel squeal noise control under water-based friction modifiers based on instantaneous rolling contact mechanics. Wear, 440-441, 2019: 203052.
[13] Y. Jin, M. Ishida, A. Namura, Experimental simulation and prediction of wear of wheel flange and rail gauge corner. Wear, 271(1–2), 2011: 259-267.
[14] P. Voltr, M. Lata, O. Cerny, Measuring of wheelrail adhesion at a test stand, 8th International Conference Engineering Mechanics, 2012, Svratka, Czech Republic, pp.1543-1553.
[15] P. Voltr, M. Lata, Transient wheel-rail adhesion characteristics under the cleaning effect of sliding. Vehicle System Dynamics, 53(5), 2015:605-618.
[16] R. Galas, D. Smejkal, M. Omasta, M. Hartl, Twin-disc experimental device for study of adhesion in wheel-rail contact. Engineering Mechanics, 21, 2014: 329-334.
[17] D.J. Thompson, G. Squicciarini, B. Ding, L. Baeza, A State-of-the-Art Review of Curve Squeal Noise: Phenomena, Mechanisms, Modelling and Mitigation. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 139, 2018: 3-41.
[18] M.J. Rudd, Wheel/rail noise – Part II: Wheel Squeal. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 46(3), 1976: 381-394.
[19] P.A. Meehan, Prediction of wheel squeal noise under mode coupling. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 465, 2020: 115025.
[20] N. Bosso, M. Spirzagin, A. Gugliotta, A. Soma, Mechatronic Modeling of Real-Time WheelRail Contact, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024