ISSN 2466-4677; e-ISSN 2466-4847
SCImago Journal Rank
2023: SJR=0.19
CWTS Journal Indicators
2023: SNIP=0.57
Vaibhav A. Kalhapure1
, H.P. Khairnar1
Received: 22.03.2021.
Accepted: 12.04.2021.
Available: 30.06.2021.
The friction pair, disc, and pad in a braking system are in a delicate balance, with the pad being a complex combination of constituents that provides predictable characteristics, including a known and consistent friction level. In this investigation, L25 orthogonal array with arranged control factors is used for the design of experiment. Taguchi design, orthogonal array, S/N ratio and variance analysis (ANOVA) are used to explore the effect of factors like applied load, sliding speed and track or interface diameter on wear rate of brake pad friction material. In dry sliding conditions, wear tests are performed on the pin‐on‐disc tribometer with different load values (25‐125 N), sliding speeds (300‐1500 rpm) and track diameter values (40‐120 mm). ANOVA results stated that applied load is the most effective with 48.27 %, track diameter is 25 % and sliding speed is 19.23 % on wear rate of pad friction material. In order to obtain the minimum friction material wear rate, the optimum operating parameters have been identified as applied load is 25 N, sliding speed 1500 rpm and track diameter 60 mm. The computed and experimental values for pad material wear rate are adhere closer to 1.93 % of deviations only.
Optimization, Brake Pad Friction Material, Taguchi Method, ANOVA, Pin on Disc Tribometer
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
How to Cite
V.A. Kalhapure, H.P. Khairnar, Taguchi Method Optimization of Operating Parameters for Automotive Disc Brake Pad Wear. Applied Engineering Letters, 6(2), 2021: 47–53.
More Citation Formats
Kalhapure, V. A., & Khairnar, H. P. (2021). Taguchi Method Optimization of Operating Parameters for Automotive Disc Brake Pad Wear. Applied Engineering Letters, 6(2), 47–53.
Kalhapure, Vaibhav A., and H. P. Khairnar. “Taguchi Method Optimization of Operating Parameters for Automotive Disc Brake Pad Wear.” Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 6, no. 2, 2021, pp. 47–53,
Kalhapure, Vaibhav A., and H.P. Khairnar. 2021. “Taguchi Method Optimization of Operating Parameters for Automotive Disc Brake Pad Wear.” Applied Engineering Letters 6 (2): 47–53.
Kalhapure, V.A. and Khairnar, H.P. (2021). Taguchi Method Optimization of Operating Parameters for Automotive Disc Brake Pad Wear. Applied Engineering Letters, 6(2), pp.47–53. doi: 10.18485/aeletters.2021.6.2.1.
SCImago Journal Rank
2023: SJR=0.19
CWTS Journal Indicators
2023: SNIP=0.57
Vaibhav A. Kalhapure1
, H.P. Khairnar1
Received: 22.03.2021.
Accepted: 12.04.2021.
Available: 30.06.2021.
The friction pair, disc, and pad in a braking system are in a delicate balance, with the pad being a complex combination of constituents that provides predictable characteristics, including a known and consistent friction level. In this investigation, L25 orthogonal array with arranged control factors is used for the design of experiment. Taguchi design, orthogonal array, S/N ratio and variance analysis (ANOVA) are used to explore the effect of factors like applied load, sliding speed and track or interface diameter on wear rate of brake pad friction material. In dry sliding conditions, wear tests are performed on the pin‐on‐disc tribometer with different load values (25‐125 N), sliding speeds (300‐1500 rpm) and track diameter values (40‐120 mm). ANOVA results stated that applied load is the most effective with 48.27 %, track diameter is 25 % and sliding speed is 19.23 % on wear rate of pad friction material. In order to obtain the minimum friction material wear rate, the optimum operating parameters have been identified as applied load is 25 N, sliding speed 1500 rpm and track diameter 60 mm. The computed and experimental values for pad material wear rate are adhere closer to 1.93 % of deviations only.
Optimization, Brake Pad Friction Material, Taguchi Method, ANOVA, Pin on Disc Tribometer
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)