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Pamarthi Harish1

, Syed Siddiq1, Veeranki Mohan Srikanth1, S.B.K. Reddy1

K. Ch. Kishore Kumar1

1Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, India‐521356

Received: 05.04.2019.
Accepted: 18.07.2019.
Available: 30.09.2019.


In this paper the combined effect of alumina and graphene reinforced with aluminum matrix by using stir casting methodology, was evaluated. Hybrid metal matrix composites gives combined results effect of different reinforced aspects when combined with ductile matrix appearance. Both alumina and graphene we are varied by the weight proportions in order to 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. With increase in the weight percentage the mechanical properties like hardness were increased. Density was reduced. The detailed microstructure evaluation shows the mixing of reinforcement in the matrix. The tribological behaviour of hybrid composite was determined. The graphene agglomeration in the composite increased the hardness by 35% as compared to the base material. The composite reinforced with 3% alumina + 3% graphene recorded highest hardness.


Al‐7075, stir casting methodology, alumina, graphene powder, hardness, density, wear behaviour, compression strength, microstructure evaluation


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[11] P. Harish, V. M. Srikanth, S.B.K Reddy, S. Srikatnh, K. Ch. Kishore Kumar, Mechanical Properties and Triobological Behavior of Stir Cast Al-6063 Alloy Based Hybrid Composite. Journal of Advancements in Material Engineering, 4 (2), 2019: 23-32.
[12] P.Harish, V. M. Srikanth, K. Ch. Kishore Kumar, P. R. Babu, Characterization of Stir Cast Al6063 Alloy Based Hybrid Composite Reinforced With Quarry Dust, Fly Ash and SIC. Journal of Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering, 5 (2), 2019: 32-41.
[13] P. Harish, V. M. Srikanth, P. R. Babu, M. R. Ch. Sastry, K. Ch. Kishore Kumar, Characterization of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Aluminium alloy based Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Cotton Shell Ash and Silicon Carbide. International Journal of Latest Engineering Science, 2 (4), 2019: 1-15.
[14] P. Harish, V. M. Srikanth, P. R. Babu, M. R. Ch. Sastry, Investigating the Influence of Cotton Shell Ash- SI,C Weight Percentage on the Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy Based Hybrid Composite. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 7 (V), 2019.
[15] S. Siddiq, S.B.K. Reddy, P. Murari, Effect of Silver nano Particle and Graphene Powder on Mechanical, Micro Structural and Dry Wear Behaviour Properties of Al-7075 Hybrid Nano Composite. IJSART, 5 (6), 2019: 717-725

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

P. Harish, S. Siddiq, V. Mohan Srikanth, S.B.K. Reddy, K.Ch. Kishore Kumar, Effect of Alumina and Graphene on Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Al-7075 Hybrid Composite. Applied Engineering Letters, 4(3), 2019: 79-87.

More Citation Formats

Harish, P., Siddiq, S., Mohan Srikanth, V., Reddy, S. B. K., & Kishore Kumar, K. Ch. (2019). Effect of Alumina and Graphene on Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Al-7075 Hybrid Composite. Applied Engineering Letters4(3), 79–87.

Harish, Pamarthi, et al. “Effect of Alumina and Graphene on Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Al-7075 Hybrid Composite.” Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, 2019, pp. 79–87,

Harish, Pamarthi, Syed Siddiq, Veeranki Mohan Srikanth, S.B.K. Reddy, and K. Ch. Kishore Kumar. 2019. “Effect of Alumina and Graphene on Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Al-7075 Hybrid Composite.” Applied Engineering Letters 4 (3): 79–87.

Harish, P., Siddiq, S., Mohan Srikanth, V., Reddy, S.B.K. and Kishore Kumar, K.Ch. (2019). Effect of Alumina and Graphene on Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Al-7075 Hybrid Composite. Applied Engineering Letters, 4(3), pp.79–87. doi:10.18485/aeletters.2019.4.3.1.



Pamarthi Harish1

, Syed Siddiq1, Veeranki Mohan Srikanth1, S.B.K. Reddy1

K. Ch. Kishore Kumar1

1Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, India‐521356

Received: 05.04.2019.
Accepted: 18.07.2019.
Available: 30.09.2019.


In this paper the combined effect of alumina and graphene reinforced with aluminum matrix by using stir casting methodology, was evaluated. Hybrid metal matrix composites gives combined results effect of different reinforced aspects when combined with ductile matrix appearance. Both alumina and graphene we are varied by the weight proportions in order to 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. With increase in the weight percentage the mechanical properties like hardness were increased. Density was reduced. The detailed microstructure evaluation shows the mixing of reinforcement in the matrix. The tribological behaviour of hybrid composite was determined. The graphene agglomeration in the composite increased the hardness by 35% as compared to the base material. The composite reinforced with 3% alumina + 3% graphene recorded highest hardness.


Al‐7075, stir casting methodology, alumina, graphene powder, hardness, density, wear behaviour, compression strength, microstructure evaluation

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024