ISSN 2466-4677; e-ISSN 2466-4847
SCImago Journal Rank
2023: SJR=0.19
CWTS Journal Indicators
2023: SNIP=0.57
Ivana Stošić1, Mumen Abuarkub2, Miodrag Šmelcerović3
, Marijana Šmelcerović4
1Faculty of Civil Construction Management, University Union “Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade, Serbia
2Faculty of Architecture, University “Isra”, Aman, Jordan
3Higher school of technology and art, Leskovac, Serbia
4Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office, Leskovac, Serbia
Received: 07.10.2018.
Accepted: 21.11.2018.
Available: 31.12.2018.
The goal of the paper is to represent the energy efficient activities on an ecological solar house and to improve its ecological solar compositionality. The subject of this paper is the optimization of energy consumption, insulation capacity, optimization of air and other parameters, all in view of reaching and improving energy efficiency and ecological aspect when designing solar passive houses. Having analysed micro and macro influences and taken into account the energy factors of a parcel of land, the structure is envisioned through the application of an indirect-passive approach, so as to have the passive solar structure simultaneously as a solar collector and heat storage, while the emphasis is put on an optimal, efficient and ecologically functional design. In order to make the process of construction of the ecological solar house a compatible and energy efficient one, constructing the structure with ecological materials is foreseen. In accordance with this, in this paper a representation of the design of the ecological solar house is provided, with the optimal use of solar energy and heat in focus.
Solar house, ecologicalhouse, solar energy, heat
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
How to Cite
I. Stošić, M. Abuarkub, M. Šmelcerović, M. Šmelcerović, Designing Energy Efficient and Ecological Solar House. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(4), 2018: 135–141.
More Citation Formats
Stošić, I., Abuarkub, M., Šmelcerović, M., & Šmelcerović, M. (2018). Designing Energy Efficient and Ecological Solar House. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(4), 135–141.
Stošić, Ivana, et al. “Designing Energy Efficient and Ecological Solar House.” Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, 2018, pp. 135–41,
Stošić, Ivana, Mumen Abuarkub, Miodrag Šmelcerović, and Marijana Šmelcerović. 2018. “Designing Energy Efficient and Ecological Solar House.” Applied Engineering Letters 3 (4): 135–41.
Stošić, I., Abuarkub, M., Šmelcerović, M. and Šmelcerović, M. (2018). Designing Energy Efficient and Ecological Solar House. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(4), pp.135–141. doi: 10.18485/aeletters.2018.3.4.4.
SCImago Journal Rank
2023: SJR=0.19
CWTS Journal Indicators
2023: SNIP=0.57
Ivana Stošić1, Mumen Abuarkub2, Miodrag Šmelcerović3
, Marijana Šmelcerović4
1Faculty of Civil Construction Management, University Union “Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade, Serbia
2Faculty of Architecture, University “Isra”, Aman, Jordan
3Higher school of technology and art, Leskovac, Serbia
4Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office, Leskovac, Serbia
Received: 07.10.2018.
Accepted: 21.11.2018.
Available: 31.12.2018.
The goal of the paper is to represent the energy efficient activities on an ecological solar house and to improve its ecological solar compositionality. The subject of this paper is the optimization of energy consumption, insulation capacity, optimization of air and other parameters, all in view of reaching and improving energy efficiency and ecological aspect when designing solar passive houses. Having analysed micro and macro influences and taken into account the energy factors of a parcel of land, the structure is envisioned through the application of an indirect-passive approach, so as to have the passive solar structure simultaneously as a solar collector and heat storage, while the emphasis is put on an optimal, efficient and ecologically functional design. In order to make the process of construction of the ecological solar house a compatible and energy efficient one, constructing the structure with ecological materials is foreseen. In accordance with this, in this paper a representation of the design of the ecological solar house is provided, with the optimal use of solar energy and heat in focus.
Solar house, ecologicalhouse, solar energy, heat
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)