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Jasmina Skerlic1

, Danijela Nikolic1, Dragan Cvetkovic1, Aleksandar Miškovic2

1University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac, Serbia
2Technical College of Applied Studies, Kragujevac, Serbia

Received: 01.08.2018.
Accepted: 17.11.2018.
Available: 31.12.2018.


Solar energy is the most abundant, inexhaustible and clean of all the renewable energy resources till today. Solar energy has received much more attention in building energy systems in recent years. During the first years of the twenty-first century, extensive efforts have been undertaken to alleviate global warming of the earth caused by emission of CO2 in atmosphere. These emissions are generated by intensive burning of fossil fuels to satisfy the growing energy needs of humanity. The emissions may be mitigated when part of energy needs is satisfied by using non-polluting energy sources such as solar energy, instead of fossil fuels. In households, customary is to use electricity for heating of DHW. Most of electricity is produced by using coal with high greenhouse emission. Accordingly, worldwide, the most rewarding application of solar energy is when it replaces electrical energy for heating of DHW in households. The solar collector has to take the optimal position that will guarantee the highest generation of heat. Optimal positioning must be based on rigorous calculations and not on the basis of experience. Such calculations lead to the improvement of the operation of solar energy systems. This paper gives a review of research with the objective of presenting, classifying and analysing the different criteria by which the authors observed an optimal position of the solar collector. In addition, it is important to have a high efficiency of conversion of solar energy to heat. Then, the highest amount of avoided primary energy, avoided electrical energy, avoided exergy, and decrease in CO2 emissions may be expected.


Domestic hot water, azimuthangle, tilt angle, orientation,optimization, simulation


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[24] A. Shariah, M.A. Al-Akhras, I.A. Al-Omari, Optimizing the tilt angle of solar collectors. Renewable Energy, 26 (4), 2002: 587-598.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

J. Skerlic, D. Nikolic, D. Cvetkovic, A. Miškovic, Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review. Applied Engineering Letters 3(4), 2018: 129–134.

More Citation Formats

Skerlic, J., Nikolic, D., Cvetkovic, D., & Miškovic, A. (2018). Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review. Applied Engineering Letters 3(4), 129–134.

Skerlic, Jasmina, et al. “Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review.” Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, 2018, pp. 129–34,

Skerlic, Jasmina, Danijela Nikolic, Dragan Cvetkovic, and Aleksandar Miškovic. 2018. “Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review.” Applied Engineering Letters 3 (4): 129–34.

Skerlic, J., Nikolic, D., Cvetkovic, D. and Miškovic, A. (2018). Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(4), pp.129–134. doi: 0.18485/aeletters.2018.3.4.3.



Jasmina Skerlic1

, Danijela Nikolic1, Dragan Cvetkovic1, Aleksandar Miškovic2

1University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac, Serbia
2Technical College of Applied Studies, Kragujevac, Serbia

Received: 01.08.2018.
Accepted: 17.11.2018.
Available: 31.12.2018.


Solar energy is the most abundant, inexhaustible and clean of all the renewable energy resources till today. Solar energy has received much more attention in building energy systems in recent years. During the first years of the twenty-first century, extensive efforts have been undertaken to alleviate global warming of the earth caused by emission of CO2 in atmosphere. These emissions are generated by intensive burning of fossil fuels to satisfy the growing energy needs of humanity. The emissions may be mitigated when part of energy needs is satisfied by using non-polluting energy sources such as solar energy, instead of fossil fuels. In households, customary is to use electricity for heating of DHW. Most of electricity is produced by using coal with high greenhouse emission. Accordingly, worldwide, the most rewarding application of solar energy is when it replaces electrical energy for heating of DHW in households. The solar collector has to take the optimal position that will guarantee the highest generation of heat. Optimal positioning must be based on rigorous calculations and not on the basis of experience. Such calculations lead to the improvement of the operation of solar energy systems. This paper gives a review of research with the objective of presenting, classifying and analysing the different criteria by which the authors observed an optimal position of the solar collector. In addition, it is important to have a high efficiency of conversion of solar energy to heat. Then, the highest amount of avoided primary energy, avoided electrical energy, avoided exergy, and decrease in CO2 emissions may be expected.


Domestic hot water, azimuthangle, tilt angle, orientation,optimization, simulation

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024