ISSN 2466-4677; e-ISSN 2466-4847
SCImago Journal Rank
2023: SJR=0.19
CWTS Journal Indicators
2023: SNIP=0.57
Jasmina Skerlic1
, Danijela Nikolic1, Dragan Cvetkovic1, Aleksandar Miškovic2
1University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac, Serbia
2Technical College of Applied Studies, Kragujevac, Serbia
Received: 01.08.2018.
Accepted: 17.11.2018.
Available: 31.12.2018.
Domestic hot water, azimuthangle, tilt angle, orientation,optimization, simulation
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How to Cite
J. Skerlic, D. Nikolic, D. Cvetkovic, A. Miškovic, Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review. Applied Engineering Letters 3(4), 2018: 129–134.
More Citation Formats
Skerlic, J., Nikolic, D., Cvetkovic, D., & Miškovic, A. (2018). Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review. Applied Engineering Letters 3(4), 129–134.
Skerlic, Jasmina, et al. “Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review.” Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, 2018, pp. 129–34,
Skerlic, Jasmina, Danijela Nikolic, Dragan Cvetkovic, and Aleksandar Miškovic. 2018. “Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review.” Applied Engineering Letters 3 (4): 129–34.
Skerlic, J., Nikolic, D., Cvetkovic, D. and Miškovic, A. (2018). Optimal Position of Solar Collectors: A Review. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(4), pp.129–134. doi: 0.18485/aeletters.2018.3.4.3.
SCImago Journal Rank
2023: SJR=0.19
CWTS Journal Indicators
2023: SNIP=0.57
Jasmina Skerlic1
, Danijela Nikolic1, Dragan Cvetkovic1, Aleksandar Miškovic2
1University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac, Serbia
2Technical College of Applied Studies, Kragujevac, Serbia
Received: 01.08.2018.
Accepted: 17.11.2018.
Available: 31.12.2018.
Domestic hot water, azimuthangle, tilt angle, orientation,optimization, simulation
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)