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Saša Milojević1

, Tomas Skrucany2, Hranislav Milošević3, Darko Stanojević4

Mladen Pantić5, Blaža Stojanović6

1University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Department for Motor Vehicles and IC Engines, Serbia
2University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Slovakia
3University in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
4Belgrade University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department for Motor Vehicles, Serbia
5State University of Novi Pazar, Department of Technical Sciences, Serbia
6University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Department for Mechanical Construction and
Mechanization, Serbia

Received: 14.07.2018.
Accepted: 02.08.2018.
Available: 30.09.2018.


City transport causes the biggest part of road transport emissions. Besides, by engaging mainly fossil fuels in the city transport, we are responsible for air pollution in urban areas. On the other hand, passengers transport (private and public, individual and mass) may contribute substantially to reduce the negative impact on the environment by application of alternative fuels and declining of the use of fossil fuels. The main alternative fuels for drive systems in transport are the following: electricity, hydrogen, and biofuels. Synthetic fuels are option as a technology. Some of them are very effective but too expensive technologies. Another way is introduction of flexible transport (from door to door, on demand, etc.) which application enables to decrease the number of cars in urban centers to avoid congestions and the negative impact on the environment. This paper points out that public transport has a special role in the process of decreasing fossil fuel dependence, and the necessity for rapid alternative technology implementation, as well as development of the public transport system itself. Proposed is the introduction of public passenger transport from door to door that offers a comfort comparable to personal cars (specifically for handicapped persons) and helps to lowering congestions on the roads.


Alternative fuels, buses, drivesystems, ecology, passengerstransport


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[19] S. Milojević, R. Pešić, Determination of Combustion Process Model Parameters in Diesel Engine with Variable Compression Ratio, Journal of Combustion, 2018 (-), 2018: 1-11.
[20] N. Z. Kontrec, G. V. Milovanović, S. R. Panić, H. Milošević, A Reliability-Based Approach to Nonrepairable Spare Part Forecasting in Aircraft Maintenance System, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015 (-), 2015: 1-7.
[21] U. Leiss, U. Fischer, RECONNECT- Reducing Congestion by Introducing New Concepts of Transport, Final Report, European 4th RTD Framework Programme.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 3
September 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 3
September 2024

How to Cite

S. Milojević, T. Skrucany, H. Milošević, D. Stanojević, M. Pantić, B. Stojanović, Alternative Drive Systems and Environmentaly Friendly Public Passengers Transport. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(3), 2018: 105–113.

More Citation Formats

Milojević, S. Skrucany, T., Milošević, H., Stanojević, D., Pantić, M., & Stojanović, B. (2018). Alternative Drive Systems and Environmentaly Friendly Public Passengers Transport. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(3), 105–113.

Saša Milojević, et al. Alternative Drive Systems and Environmentaly Friendly Public Passengers Transport. vol. 3 no. 3, pp. 105–13,

Saša Milojević, Tomas Skrucany, Hranislav Milošević, Darko Stanojević, Mladen Pantić, and Biljana Stojanović. 2018. “Alternative Drive Systems and Environmentaly Friendly Public Passengers Transport”. Applied Engineering Letters 3 (3): 105–13.

Saša Milojević, Skrucany Tomas, Hrvoje Milošević, Dragana Stanojević, Mladen Pantić and Biljana Stojanović (2018). Alternative Drive Systems and Environmentaly Friendly Public Passengers Transport. Applied Engineering Letters, 3(3), pp.105–113. doi:10.18485/aeletters.2018.3.3.4.



Saša Milojević1

, Tomas Skrucany2, Hranislav Milošević3, Darko Stanojević4

Mladen Pantić5, Blaža Stojanović6

1University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Department for Motor Vehicles and IC Engines, Serbia
2University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Slovakia
3University in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
4Belgrade University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department for Motor Vehicles, Serbia
5State University of Novi Pazar, Department of Technical Sciences, Serbia
6University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Department for Mechanical Construction and
Mechanization, Serbia

Received: 14.07.2018.
Accepted: 02.08.2018.
Available: 30.09.2018.


City transport causes the biggest part of road transport emissions. Besides, by engaging mainly fossil fuels in the city transport, we are responsible for air pollution in urban areas. On the other hand, passengers transport (private and public, individual and mass) may contribute substantially to reduce the negative impact on the environment by application of alternative fuels and declining of the use of fossil fuels. The main alternative fuels for drive systems in transport are the following: electricity, hydrogen, and biofuels. Synthetic fuels are option as a technology. Some of them are very effective but too expensive technologies. Another way is introduction of flexible transport (from door to door, on demand, etc.) which application enables to decrease the number of cars in urban centers to avoid congestions and the negative impact on the environment. This paper points out that public transport has a special role in the process of decreasing fossil fuel dependence, and the necessity for rapid alternative technology implementation, as well as development of the public transport system itself. Proposed is the introduction of public passenger transport from door to door that offers a comfort comparable to personal cars (specifically for handicapped persons) and helps to lowering congestions on the roads.


Alternative fuels, buses, drivesystems, ecology, passengerstransport

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 3
September 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 3
September 2024