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W. Matysiaka

, T. Tańskia, b, E. Ruseka, P. Snopińskia

aDepartment of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Technology in Materials, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
bCenter of Nanotechnology, Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Received: 23.02.2017.
Accepted: 26.03.2017.
Available: 30.03.2017.


The article describes the investigation of the effect of electrospinning process parameters wherein the distance between the electrodes was variable, the voltage and the flow rate of the polymer solution was constant for the obtained polymer nanofibers from the solution of PVP/EtOH with concentration of 10% by weight. The morphology of produced nanofibers was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Based on the SEM images a series of measurements of the nanofibers diameters for each sample were executed and then the results were averaged. The research shows that reducing the distance between the electrodes has a significant impact on the diameter of the PVP nanofibers.


PVP, Poly (vinylpyrrolidone), Nanofibers, Polymer, Electrospinning


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

How to Cite

W. Matysiak, T. Tański, E. Rusek, P. Snopiński, The Influence of Electrospinning Process Parameters on the Morphology of the PVP Nanofibers. Applied Engineering Letters, 2(1), 2017: 27-31.

More Citation Formats

Matysiak, W., Tański, T., Rusek, E., & Snopiński, P. (2017). The Influence of Electrospinning Process Parameters on the Morphology of the PVP Nanofibers. Applied Engineering Letters2(1), 27-31.

Matysiak, W., et al. “The Influence of Electrospinning Process Parameters on the Morphology of the PVP Nanofibers.“ Applied Engineering Letters, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017, pp. 27-31.

Matysiak, W., T. Tański, E. Rusek, and P. Snopiński. 2017. “The Influence of Electrospinning Process Parameters on the Morphology of the PVP Nanofibers.“ Applied Engineering Letters, 2 (1): 27-31.

Matysiak, W., Tański, T., Rusek, E. and Snopiński, P. (2017). The Influence of Electrospinning Process Parameters on the Morphology of the PVP Nanofibers. Applied Engineering Letters, 2(1), pp. 27-31.




, T.Tańskia, b, E.Ruseka, P.Snopińskia

aDepartment of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Technology in Materials, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
bCenter of Nanotechnology, Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Received: 23.02.2017.
Accepted: 26.03.2017.
Available: 30.03.2017.


The article describes the investigation of the effect of electrospinning process parameters wherein the distance between the electrodes was variable, the voltage and the flow rate of the polymer solution was constant for the obtained polymer nanofibers from the solution of PVP/EtOH with concentration of 10% by weight. The morphology of produced nanofibers was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Based on the SEM images a series of measurements of the nanofibers diameters for each sample were executed and then the results were averaged. The research shows that reducing the distance between the electrodes has a significant impact on the diameter of the PVP nanofibers.


PVP, Poly (vinylpyrrolidone), Nanofibers, Polymer, Electrospinning

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024

Last Edition

Volume 9
Number 4
December 2024